JonC 101 / Tome of Flames (i.e. Guestbook) / Smoldering Bits

On Jul 28, 1998 05:43


Lookie, lookie! Customizable font stlye and color! I can only assume that there should be nothing more to dispute. It is much too apparent that I am godly in my nature.

On Jul 29, 1998 20:36


Smoke! Fire! Wind! Burn! Here is my flame... I am here as I promised Jonc.

On Jul 29, 1998 21:08
Ivy, princess and guardian of the lost butterfly children


I have witnessed the new and wonderful changes to this page. OOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!! I feel pruple, which is like purple only more so. Alas, there is only purple. Also, I feel like my writing style right now is pictograph, but... in any case, Hello! Nice changes, JonC. Applause. The rest of the lost butterfly children applaud too.

On Jul 30, 1998 01:36


Hmm... I happened to be reading through the sign-ins and noticed how Jacob not only hit my main page for 666th time, but did so likewise for my quotes page. Now I extend the question, is this a mere coincidence? Or perhaps something far more sinister? I prefer to speculate on the latter. Watching to much X-Files probably.

On Jul 30, 1998 02:14
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister
(Do you really want to know what my e-mail addy is?)


Look, I can use a font that isn't a choice on JonC's page!

That is, if you have the appropriate fonts already on your computer.

Now I'm just using Courier New, because fixed width fonts are just better. Ok, Courier New isn't really fixed width, but all the letters are given the same width, so it acts like it is.

Oh, right. My point being, You will forget everything you ever knew about these "coincidences" with me being visitor number 666. You will also forget that you read this subliminal message.

There. Oh, what was my point? You forgot, didn't you. Well, except for funky graphic fonts, true type fonts are inferior. And I must be an a Maroon Moon. What a Maroon.

On Jul 31, 1998 21:46
Someone who is Me... Jarone
(I forgot it.)


Hello again, Here is my second more readable message. Sorry about the last one, however the page did say choose a color which fits your current mood. And I did!. I felt silvery light. Oh well... Tired... Sleepy, Friday yay

On Aug 3, 1998 02:52
Kevin Phong Vo


This Site Sucks!!!

On Aug 3, 1998 23:46
(It's somewhere in here)


What exactly is an olive mood? Oh well, it sounded like a good mood. I just had to write a signin and compliment Jonc on his new counter. Much more modern then that ratty old one you used to have. Although in my opinion you need one where the numbers are on fire. THAT would be cool.

On Aug 4, 1998 02:25


Here is another great font that isn't available on this page!

Anyways, now I forgot what I was going to say...
Oh, right. Well, If I ever get around to it, I will make a counter that looks like numbers being spelled out in machine gun bullets. Animated and sounds and everything. It would be really cool. Anyways, this time I'm in a navy mood. I'd be in a navy moon, but it's three-quarters moon right now. But there's a full moon on Friday, so maybe I'll feel better than... Better than what? I don't know, but I guess I'll be feeling better than whatever.

Now returning you to your regular font...

On Aug 7, 1998 18:50


Hi Guys. What is you all doin? I'm at work. Does anyone else work? Why doesn't anyone call me? Why am I always at work? Why is my hand burning? Damn, these chemicals are getting to me. See ya Later, ~~TINA

On Aug 9, 1998 02:21


Happy anniversary of this website!!!!! Yay, JonC! Kudos.

On Aug 9, 1998 04:31
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister
(Just try and find it...)


Well, I thought I wrote something here a couple days ago, but I guess I must have hit back instead of submit. Oh well. Anyways, what I said was that instead of the music from some town in Ultima 7 which I can't remember now, you could use the Britannia music fanfare, which would go well. Alternately, you should use the music from near the spaceship in the cornfield where you get the Hoe of Destruction. It would go well with some of the weird comments in here. Btw, do you know how fast the text in Ultima 7 scrolls by on a pentium?

On Aug 11, 1998 01:52


Hello, Yay, whoa this is a big change from what it was before. Well it is late, I should sleep. I know I am going to regret staying up this late tomorrow. But very nice change! And there is a picture of you.l.. ah! it scared me at first :P

On Aug 11, 1998 03:02


Whoops, I just got my own 1600th hit. Well, I hope you're all happy with the new look of the main page, it took me for friggin' ever to do it. Specifically it took away 9 hours of MCAT study time, which can't be good considering that I'm getting my ass whooped in Verbal.

As per Jacob's request, the Britan fanfare is now one of the possible songs played in the guestbook. And yes, I do know how fast everything goes in Ultima 7 on a Pentium. I was just playing it recently which is what got me in the mood to give the guestbook an Ultima theme.

On Aug 11, 1998 17:38
Ed Hsieh


Hey! You stole the counter style I was using! *sniff* well, In the 3 or so weeks my site has been up, I already have half the hits, you have. :P

On Aug 17, 1998 02:06
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Well, of course, the music I really wanted to hear was the tune from near the spaceship in Ultima 7. Besides, the Hoe of Destruction is just cool. But not as cool as the Sword of Gardening. Or the Elven Plate of Unearthly Might. Anyways, fuchsia.

On Aug 20, 1998 01:26
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Wow, it certainly is impressive the way JonC managed to "soldify" his position against all chalengs. But I haven't seen anything comparing with my Cool Button (tm) on anybody's web page.

Auf weidersehen...

On Aug 20, 1998 01:36
Comrade Yacob Smirnoff, direct superior to Comrade Fryboy


Incidentally, I was visitor number "007" to the anti-anti-web monopoly page. Coincidence? I think not, comrade...

On Aug 22, 1998 03:02
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


I am here, before you today, to inform you that I am the one thousand seven hundredth visitor to this site. Some may note that these hits were all of legitimate origin. I must be off now, so I bid you adieu.

On Aug 27, 1998 22:46
(look up)


Just signing your guestbook, well, because I can. I have to admit, I like the guestbook, though I'm SURE it's an AOL innovation and not a devil innovation. And I your splashthingy is still inferior. My page is perttier.

On Aug 27, 1998 22:52
(look up)


And I'll have to admit, some of your music is surprisingly good. Depeche mode, for example. If it weren't totally illegal and something someone nice like me would NEVER EVER do ;), you would have to send me those mp3's of I ran (actually, I think I have that on cd) and rock me amadeus. And I'm breaking into your home and stealing the oingo boingo cd. :P

On Aug 30, 1998 15:43


Yay, Paul likes Depeche Mode?! Yay! Two points for JonC. Earn three more and you get an ivee Star of Merit!

On Sep 2, 1998 23:28
(look up)


Hey! How Ivee gets to give out stars of merit?! If she gets to give out stars of merit, I get to give out eternal brands of shame! :P

On Sep 4, 1998 01:57
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Well, I am the 1800th visitor. Well, I am if you read the Chinese numbers. If you read the English ones, I'm only visitor number 1795. Questions, anyone?

On Sep 5, 1998 22:05
Joseph Chao


Nice work on the new webpage. Let me just make it clear that I'm here only for D&D okay? I'm going to provide a link to your site to my academic homepage, so for god's sake get rid of your picture! Hehehe...

On Sep 8, 1998 19:33


Haven't been able to update or actually do anything internet related in a while. Just moved to my new apartment and won't have modem access for a while. Besides which, I was busy playing StarCraft to death and beyond.

As for the cool guestbook signin stuff, AOL innovation my ass. It's all 100% JonC ingeniousness.

My computer crashed rather badly several times recently, coercing me to reformat my hard drive, so I'm afraid all my MP3s went bye-bye. But I should be able to recover most of them from my cousin in due course.

The counter thing is a bit awkward. The Chinese numbers are the correct ones. The reason I didn't setup the counter as it is now beforehadn, was because I knew there'd be the problem of the English numbers being behind count. Don't ask me, in this case it's all 100% AOL un-ingeniousness.

I don't want to hear any wisecracks, but I must admit, sometimes even I get bothered looking at my own picture. I suppose I'll take it down or figure out something else to do with it.

On Sep 19, 1998 04:06
Lhasa Ehmo


Isn't it ironic that JonC should steal Ed's cool background while trying to prove his web page is better? And your JavaScript pales in comparison to my Cool Button (tm). And when Nibbles With Frags (tm) comes out, I will name one of the snakes after you, and it too will always die, along with Paul. Oh, and your counter is really screwed up.

Happy hunting .·.·‘

On Sep 20, 1998 01:06



On Sep 21, 1998 02:26
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister
<I'm sure you can find it somewhere...>


Well, I am the 1900th visitor to this site. Although, at first, the counter read 1900, but in English it was 1899. I went to see the quote pages, and when I hit 'Back' to return to the main page, the counter read 1899. So, I reloaded, and it read 1901. Of course, the whole time it read 1899 in English. I will consider myself the 1900th visitor. In conclusion, I would like to say:
Vive Moi!

On Sep 21, 1998 22:17
Ed Hsieh


Hahaha! I loved the Website Challengers page! I'm afraid I'll have to finish up my new pages and updates to regenerate hits and smash thy hits into the ground.

On Sep 29, 1998 01:49
Generalissimo Lister


Ha! Paul certainly does have a bad parody of your picture on his webpage, but you have not yet witnessed my pictures! Taken from a speech given from a balcony on my luxurious villa, they exemplify my powerful state. Unfortunately, the camera had slide film in it, and the treacherous peons who work in your country developing film at Kodak could not produce copies on disk. So the pictures will be slightly delayed. Meanwhile, my mighty armies are preparing a surprise attack against the fools at Sav-on for their incompetency! Their ignorance shall be their downfall!

On Sep 29, 1998 23:49
<look up>


website challenges? Pitiful. tres pitiful. Everyone knows my website is, has been, and will always be, the best. Thank you.

On Oct 2, 1998 18:01


I didn't know male egos were so fragile. No, wait. Of course I did. Well, I think everyone's sites are good in their own unique way.

On Oct 2, 1998 18:04


...unless more copying continues.

On Oct 3, 1998 03:59
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Well, it appears that I am visitor number =000, or 2000 if you prefer. As Y2K, er... Visitor 2K, my first statements will be "Vive moi!" and "BENGD". Thank you. Oh, and Jon, you should make available the various fonts you have on your guestbook for downloading, so we may all use them. And put Paul in his place for daring to degrade your webpage (and mine too, incidentally).

On Oct 3, 1998 15:58
<look up>


As Jacob asks the devil to "put me in my place" because he's incapable of doing it himself, one reflects. Reflects on the futility of that sort of request. But, I suppose futility is all some people can hope for in their web pages. The CLOSEST competitor, in sheer wonder and light, of web pages, is Ed, I might add. Just to further dis (:P) inferior contributions.

On Oct 4, 1998 01:39
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Actually, Paul, the reason I asked JonC to put you in your place, is because you were belittling webpages, JonC's in particular, in his guestbook. I most certainly am capable of putting you in your place when the needs arise.

On Oct 4, 1998 21:25


Ouchie. Let's all be happy! Of course, being happy is never a hard thing to do!!!!!!!!!

On Oct 5, 1998 02:32
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Why JonC's guestbook seems to be a center for this bickering is beyond me.

On Oct 5, 1998 03:03


Probably because my Web Challengers page stirred up some old wounds. Actually, I think it's really because everyone just wants and excuse to come sign my awesome ass guestbook.

On Oct 6, 1998 03:11
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


I think I am not the only one who doesn't want to sign that. Why do some people use such deplorable language?

On Oct 6, 1998 16:45
<look up>


I don't know where Jacob grew all that righteous indignation. It must be viral.

On Oct 7, 1998 04:11
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Well, I had to replace my orange hair with something...

On Oct 10, 1998 20:21


I think the reason that everybody uses Jonc's pge for all these messages is because we've all been using it for so long. Now we've grown accoustomed to using Jonc's page and it's easier to hold these meaningless conversations in one place.

On Oct 12, 1998 11:35


Woohoo! UCLA Football Rocks! Just wanted a public forum to spout off THE best football program in the nation...what the hell is that music in the background?

On Oct 13, 1998 23:00


Er. Yes. U...C...L..A... football. Rocks. And. JonC. Would. Know. Would you not, JonC. Oh, yes you would!

On Oct 15, 1998 14:47


Oh, am I not a person now? Grrr.

On Oct 15, 1998 17:36


Well, don't you always refer to yourself as the alien-child?

On Oct 15, 1998 18:17


I haven't been trying to assert my status as a HUMAN, but I am a person, of sorts, dorky.

On Oct 19, 1998 01:52
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Well, I just registered the 2100th hit to JonC's main page. I now have a streak of four times in a row getting the hundredth hit. Most impressive.

Auf Wiedersehen...

On Oct 24, 1998 19:46


this is an even nicer background than ed's! yay for a prima gut site! But, howcome the people who visit it most is alien-child, cousin dragon-jar, and the wagon marquis? you know, just wondering. :) (font not proportional to my ego) tschus.

On Nov 6, 1998 23:49


Oh my god! I've always left my speakers off until now. How funny! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

On Nov 9, 1998 20:20


Hey! Who had the audacity to get the 2200th hit and not even mention it in the guestbook!?

On Nov 10, 1998 03:47
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Well, I got the 2201th hit, but it was 2200 in Arabic numerals. Since nobody else has claimed the "fabled" 2200th hit, I shall, thus continuing my streak to five hundredth-hits. Aren't I special?

On Nov 21, 1998 13:53


Hey buster! You've got some hell of a website. How about a joke? "Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary?... Yeah, it runs in your jeans!!!"

On Nov 25, 1998 21:41


Oops, I think I just got my own 2300th hit. I hate it when I do that. Sorry everyone, no updates recently. Probably wouldn't expect any anytime soon either. But what the hell are you expecting? I'm just doing what I can.

On Nov 26, 1998 03:13
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Noooooooooooooo! You fiend! I was going to get that hit, and continue my streak on to indescribable lengths! Curses! How could you? I will have my revenge!

On Nov 29, 1998 00:05


What's the point of getting to be number this-or-that if JonC doesn't give out nifty prizes? Anyways, hi. I'm bored. But this weekend has been nice and the thought of returning to school on Monday makes me SICK inside. That's all. Toodles.

On Nov 29, 1998 02:20


Sorry, no prizes here. At least none except the sheer honor of being a guest at my site. I was thinking of giving M&M's to the 2000th hitter, but so much for that. Anyway, if I were giving out prizes, Jacob would be getting all of them.

On Dec 1, 1998 03:20
Monsieur le Marquis de Lister


Well, James did get the 777th hit. Anyways, JonC, you can consider yourself forever indebted to me for all the times I have had specific hits, and failing to send me certain other prizes which I rightfully won. Just sign on the dotted line ........

On Dec 21, 1998 03:11


Hi everyone! Yeah! We're finally on break!

On Dec 21, 1998 23:26
James, Lord of the Gorons


I just had to announce, IT IS MY BIRTHDAY. As today is Dec. 21, you can all remember it as a day of worship. It is obvious I am a supreme being as my birthday is on the first day of winter. Just to let you know I would like to announce my services to all minors as a proprieter of lotto tickets an other things minors are not allowed to purchase. I am afraid however that Jacob has cornered the market on liquor. You may proceed to shower me with affection.