Extras |
Slideshows / Videos
JavaScripts |
Collection of JavaScript games and tools I've been playing around with.
Drawings |
Drawn in Jr. High around 1992, in Windows Paintbrush,
ultimately leading to my drawing pixel by painfully small pixel.
Another pic I created that I used to draw
in the margins of my notebook during class.
Oldies but goodies. Sections of my site that have died and gone,
but kept here for nostalgia. Mostly for EEPsters to check
out the old quotes.
Work Page
Work-related webpage. Basically a web resume / curriculum vitae.
JonC 101 Featured Sections
Pranks and Rants
Collection of mostly e-mail pranks and rants I've inflicted on my various peer groups.
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara
Game I used to play to death in the arcades.
You'll find here: character descriptions, screenshots, playing
guides and FAQs, as well as a calculator program to figure out
what the name you choose will get for you. Plus, finally they've
emulated the game for the PC. A link to download from is available.
Brainteaser Collection
Collection of some of the better and more elegant brainteasers
I've come across, along with some demonstration applications.
Interestingly, many of them are questions which
I picked up from tech-job interviews I had first-hand or heard about second-hand.
The Tome of Flames (a.k.a. Guestbook)
Guestbooks? Seriously? Yeah, I know. Totally dated, but not worth my time to update these things.